Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cesar Gomez

A-AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is an STD, occurs after the macrophage level of T cells is less than 200.

B-This is a bacteria cell, in which is one of the two prokaryotic cells along with Achaea.

Cell wall is a protective barrier that protects the cell wall unlike the animal cell that only has a cell membrane.

D-DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a ribonucleic acid in a shape of a double helix consisting of bases Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Tyrosine.

An animal cell is a type of Eukaryote Cell in which it contains an enclosed nucleus.

F-The cockatiel is a native bird of Australia and is commonly owned as house pet. The cockatiel belongs to the Cacatuidae Family.

G- G2 of Interphase id the second gap, of the cell cycle and occurs after DNA synthesis.

H-Heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body.

I-Ionic Bond is created by the bond of two opposite charged ions.

J – Juvenile hormone is a hormone in the arthropods that promotes the retention of larval characteristics.

K-Kilocalorie (kcal) is the amount of energy that is needed to bring the temperature of 1kg of water by 1°C.

L- Larynx is where the vocal chords are held also commonly known as the voice box.

M-Mammal, the Dolphin is one of the few marine mammals, from the group of only 120.

N- A neuron is the fundamental unit of the nervous system, which allows conducting signals.

O- Organelles are membranes that have a specialized function in a cell.

P-Punnett square is used to predict results of random fertilization in genetic crosses.

Q- Quaternary structure is the complex shape of a protein usually in a three dimensional shape.

R­- Ribonucleic Acid is a type of nucleic acid that consists of a ribose and its nitrogen bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, and unlike DNA that has tyrosine, RNA contains uracil.

S- Salt is a dietary mineral that is composed of Sodium Chloride.

T-Thymine is a nitrogen base that is part of DNA and pairs up with Adenine.

U- Olive Oil is an unsaturated fat in which there are one or more double bonds in the fatty acid chain.

V- Valve in which prevents the backflow of blood in a vein.

W- Florida’s Everglades are the biggest Wetland in the United States. A wetland is an area of land in which the habitat is covered by moisture.

X- Xylem is a type of transport tissue that takes care of transporting water from the roots to the rest of the plants.

Y- Yolk is the part in an egg where the nutrients are stored for a developing embryo.

Z- Zygote is the product of two haploid gametes during fertilization

Jannet, Emi, Elizabett, Edwin

Lemons have a pH that is less than 7, therefore they are Acidic that is why their taste is sour.

These birds have Bilateral symmetry because they have a posterior, anterior, front, back and a left and right side.

This snake belongs to the phylum Chordata which is the same phylum where humans belong.

Humans obtain half of its chromosomes from its mother and half from its father. Therefore they are Diploid organisms.

This Ecosystem is home to many organism which each form their own niche and keep its delicate balance.

Cats are classified in the phylum Chordata as well, but furthermore into the hierarchical classification they belong to the Feline Family.

The Golgi apparatus is a membrane bound organelle in charge of modifying, storing and shipping proteins inside a cell. Only present in eukaryotes.

A Homozygous plant contains alleles for the shape of a seed shape: (BW) or (BW).

The Immune Systems attacks organism that invade our body and may cause disease.

A Juvenile Hormone is a hormone in arthropods taken by a pair of glands.

These pill bugs demonstrate Kinesis because they move towards or away from a stimulus. Their behavior is action oriented.

The Large Intestine is located between the small intestine and the anus. Its job is to absorb water and accumulates feces.

Mitosis the division of somatic cell.

Nucleic Acid is also known as DNA and it is a polymer that has many nucleotide monomers.

An Organism is a group of any living things like plants and animals.

Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy.

A Quintuplet is one of five sperm entering a egg.

The Ribosomes are the organelles in charge of producing proteins in our bodies.

The Smooth ER is where the vesicles carrying newly synthesized proteins from the rough ER.

A Trait is any physical feature that a person has that is given off by the parent to its offspring.

Uracil is one of the four nucleic acids in RNA.

A Vacuole is a membrane bound organelle which stores water in plant cells.

Water is essential to life on earth; it consists of two hydrogen molecules and a oxygen molecule.

Xylem is vascular plant tissue that conducts water and minerals upwards from the roots to the rest of the plant.

The Y-chromosome is only present in males.

A zygote is the diploid product of a sperm and an egg.