Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cesar Gomez

A-AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is an STD, occurs after the macrophage level of T cells is less than 200.

B-This is a bacteria cell, in which is one of the two prokaryotic cells along with Achaea.

Cell wall is a protective barrier that protects the cell wall unlike the animal cell that only has a cell membrane.

D-DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a ribonucleic acid in a shape of a double helix consisting of bases Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Tyrosine.

An animal cell is a type of Eukaryote Cell in which it contains an enclosed nucleus.

F-The cockatiel is a native bird of Australia and is commonly owned as house pet. The cockatiel belongs to the Cacatuidae Family.

G- G2 of Interphase id the second gap, of the cell cycle and occurs after DNA synthesis.

H-Heart is a muscle that pumps blood throughout the body.

I-Ionic Bond is created by the bond of two opposite charged ions.

J – Juvenile hormone is a hormone in the arthropods that promotes the retention of larval characteristics.

K-Kilocalorie (kcal) is the amount of energy that is needed to bring the temperature of 1kg of water by 1°C.

L- Larynx is where the vocal chords are held also commonly known as the voice box.

M-Mammal, the Dolphin is one of the few marine mammals, from the group of only 120.

N- A neuron is the fundamental unit of the nervous system, which allows conducting signals.

O- Organelles are membranes that have a specialized function in a cell.

P-Punnett square is used to predict results of random fertilization in genetic crosses.

Q- Quaternary structure is the complex shape of a protein usually in a three dimensional shape.

R­- Ribonucleic Acid is a type of nucleic acid that consists of a ribose and its nitrogen bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, and unlike DNA that has tyrosine, RNA contains uracil.

S- Salt is a dietary mineral that is composed of Sodium Chloride.

T-Thymine is a nitrogen base that is part of DNA and pairs up with Adenine.

U- Olive Oil is an unsaturated fat in which there are one or more double bonds in the fatty acid chain.

V- Valve in which prevents the backflow of blood in a vein.

W- Florida’s Everglades are the biggest Wetland in the United States. A wetland is an area of land in which the habitat is covered by moisture.

X- Xylem is a type of transport tissue that takes care of transporting water from the roots to the rest of the plants.

Y- Yolk is the part in an egg where the nutrients are stored for a developing embryo.

Z- Zygote is the product of two haploid gametes during fertilization

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