Monday, June 15, 2009

Jessica Z, Jessica M, Jennifer Z

A – Anthropoid is a member of primates made up of monkeys, apes, humans, etc…

These people are anthropoids:

B – Blood is plasma of red blood cells, white blood cells and cell fragments.

This scar has blood:

C – Carnivore is an animal that mainly eats other animals.

This cat eats other animals:

D – Desert is a terrestrial biome of low precipitation.

This is a desert:

E – Ecosystem, where all the organisms including biotic factors interact in a given area.

This is an ecosystem:

F – Fruit is a mature ovary of a flower.

This is a fruit basket:

G – Gestation is the state of carrying developing young within a female reproductive tract, Pregnancy.

This is a pregnant lady:

H – Herbivore is an animal that mainly eats plants or algae.

This horse eats grass and grains:

I – Ingestion is the act of eating.

-This lady is eating:

L – Landscape is an area containing several different ecosystems.

-this is a landscape:

M – Mammal is a member of the class Mammalia; amniotes with mammary glands that produce milk.

This is a mammal:

N – Natural foods are food that undergo minimal processing and no preservatives

Home grown foods are natural foods:

O – Omnivores are animals that regularly eat animals and plants.

Humans eat other animals:

P – Petal is a modified leaf of a flowering plant.

This flower has petals:

R - Root is the organ of a plant that typically lies below the surface of the soil.

These roots grew around a pot:

S – Sensitive period is the phase in an animal’s development also called critical period.

During this kittens sensitive period he was exposed to humans and not cats, so he response to human voices and not to meows:

T – Tissues are cells with a common function, structure or both.

Humans are covers in tissues:

U – Unsaturated fatty acids posses one or more double bonds between the carbons in the hydrocarbon tails.

V – Vertebrate is a chordate animal with a back bone.

Birds have back bones:

W – Wilting is the drooping of leaves and stems as a result of plant cells becoming flaccid.

X – Xylem is the vascular plant tissue consisting of tubular dead cells that bring up water and minerals up to the plant.

Y – Yolk is where the nutrients are stored in an egg.

Z – Zygote is the diploid product of the union of haploid gametes during fertilization.

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